How To Reseal a Shower

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Have you noticed any defects in your bathroom? It could be that a leak in your shower is the cause. If you’ve noticed any of the following irregularities, your shower needs to be Re-sealed!

Continuous Mouldy grout or silicone
Grout that is missing or cracked
Cracked joints
Smelly or wet carpet
Swollen skirting boards or door frames
Calcification or Discolouration of walls and floors
What is the problem?

Issues like mildew build up, damp walls or floors, fractured bathroom tiles, and grout or silicone that is peeling away or coming loose usually mean that there is a leak in the sealant around your shower. These issues are just the warning signs; a leaking shower can cause significant problems to the structure of your bathroom. If you see these signs, it is probably time to look into resealing your shower or waterproofing your whole bathroom. Ignoring signs of trouble usually result in more damage and very expensive repairs.

What are my options?

It is normally a good idea to go ahead and reseal the entire shower, especially if you are unsure where the actual leak is occurring. If you are going through the resealing process anyhow, it is not too much more trouble to reseal the entire shower instead of simply fixing the cracked areas.

What do I use?

There are two types of sealant that are often used in resealing a shower—sealant that you clean up using water and caulk that requires mineral for clean up. There are benefits and drawbacks to both types, just choose the type that you are most comfortable with working.

Step one: Removing old sealant

First, you need to remove the old sealant from around the shower. You want to remove it all, not just the loose parts, as this will keep you from missing a leak somewhere. Use a sharp razor knife, chisel or box cutter to remove the old sealant and grout. Use extra caution when working with a fiberglass shower as you could scratch or damage the surface. Run your blade parallel with the wall; this breaks the seal between the old sealant and the wall itself. Once you have removed this level of sealant you may still have a coat against the shower which plumbers call a “skin coat.” Make sure you remove this as well. Use denatured alcohol to remove remaining residue.

Step Two: Applying new sealant

Removing the old sealant is the most difficult part of the job. Applying the new sealant is simple for some people and very difficult for others. Use a sealant gun or sealant that is in a special dispensing tube to make it easier. Use a thin line of sealant and seal around the entire shower. Use your wet fingertip to smooth the sealant and press it tightly into both surfaces. Clean any excess sealant with a damp rag and allow it to dry thoroughly before you use the shower.

Resealing your shower is a job that every homeowner can learn how to do. However if you prefer for it to be done professionally to make sure it is done correctly then call Prominade on 07 32041476 or email us.

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